Jumat, 31 Mei 2019


Une plateforme de conseil décentralisée pour IEO

Qu'est-ce que le jeton EIS?

Le réseau décentralisé Eternalcoin
La libération du jeton est basée sur la plate-forme Ethereum et répond à toutes les normes modernes. Sur cette plate-forme, notre jeton sera disponible à la vente sur différentes plateformes de crypto-devises et au sein de l'écosystème de jeu Eternal Inc. Il est facile à intégrer dans les services tiers, grâce au nouveau standard.
Guerres éternelles
Eternal Wars est un jeu de cartes à collectionner qui fête sa deuxième année. Disponible pour iOS et Android, il s'agit d'un jeu gratuit offrant des cartes incroyables et une action multijoueur en temps réel. Rejoignez une faction de 18 joueurs maximum pour vaincre des événements tels que Clash of the Titans, Rise of the Gods et Battle Royal. Avec des combats rapides entre joueurs, dans des arénas, des raids, des donjons et des factions, il existe de nombreuses options de jeu pour tous.
Nom: jeton EIS
Type: ERC20
Symbole: GLACE
Numéro total: 300 000 000 EIS


Croissance constante de la valeur Jeton EIS 
L'augmentation de l'audience et la publication de nouveaux produits entraînent de nouveaux utilisateurs et renforcent la confiance, ce qui entraîne une demande accrue de jetons.
Protection totale contre les fraudeurs 
Garantie de tous les paiements grâce à la protection sur la technologie blockchain.
Propre système 
Les jetons gagnés peuvent être utilisés sur différentes plates-formes et payer pour toutes sortes de marchandises.
Échange sans intérêt 
Utilisez l’échange pour échanger des jetons EIS sans intérêt pour toute autre devise cryptographique.
Retrait rapide 
Utilisez votre propre portefeuille pour afficher sur la carte.
Anonymat d'utilisation 
Tous les participants sont complètement anonymes.

IEO & vente

Début: 20 mai 2019
Nombre de jetons à vendre: 195 000 000 EIS (65%)
Fin: 10 juin 2019
Min. montant de la transaction: 1 ETH / 1 BTC / 1 LTC
Monnaies acceptées: ETH, BTC, LTC
Max. montant de la transaction: N / A
Taux de change des jetons: 1 ETH = 6000 EIS
Max. montant perçu: 30 000 ETH

Distribution des jetons libérés

65% La phase principale de vente de jetons
Fonds de bonus de 25%
4% l'équipe du projet
4% Partenaires et consultants
2% de primes

Utilisation des fonds

30% développement de jeux
30% Art et animation
25% relations publiques et marketing
10% de développement technique
5% autres dépenses

Les jalons

Juillet 2013
Idée initiale pour Eternal Wars
Août 2015
Équipe de développement interne créée. Premier fonds levés via l'épargne personnelle des fondateurs, leurs amis et leur famille
Mars 2017
Lancement mondial d'Eternal Wars sur Appstore et Playstore
T3 2019
Commencer à développer l’économie EIS dans la Liste des guerres éternelles sur les échanges
T1 2020
Travaillez à la synchronisation des données du serveur de jeu vers le portefeuille Web Commencez le travail sur World of Iselia
T3, 2020
Version alpha de World of Iselia - Créer un SDK sur l'unité pour le portefeuille
Q1, 2021
Lancement mondial de World of Iselia Développement du portefeuille Eternalcoin Implémentez Eternalcoin dans World of Iselia
Q3, 2022
Lancement de esports World of Iselia Début des travaux sur Chaos Drive Sync Eternal Wars, World of Iselia et l'écosystème Chaos Drive

Equipe de projet et conseillers

Safiul Syed
Fondateur et PDG
15 ans d'expérience en gestion d'entreprise
Rizwan Khan
Programmeur senior
7 ans d'expérience en programmation A réalisé plus de 100 projets pour des clients
Najrul Siddique
Designer graphique
Les compétences logicielles comprennent Photoshop, Illustrator Maya et Spine 2D.
Abiking S. Lirio
BSc en administration des affaires et marketing Fondateur de Multi-trend Lirio Enterprise
Mitchell Brits
6 ans d'expérience dans les industries de développement de jeux Expérience de développement complet
Papa Mabotja
Développeur Blockchain
4 ans d'expérience dans la technologie Blockchain Impliquée dans divers projets visant à simplifier la vie au travail
Christy Chambers
Chef de la communication
13 ans d’expérience en droit juridique et en droit de la famille.
Kevern Pretorius
Chef de projet
Les connaissances en programmation incluent C # et Java.
Sin Eow Sing
25 ans d'expérience en ingénierie. Les tâches actuelles incluent la planification, la gestion, les ressources humaines, le calcul des coûts et les travaux de maintenance.
Qu'est-ce que tout cela veut dire?
Nous avons créé une plateforme innovante et entièrement protégée pour l’achat et la vente de nos jetons.
Pourquoi eternalcoin collecte-t-il des fonds dans un IEO?
Notre objectif est d'amasser le plus d'argent possible. La plupart des investissements reçus seront consacrés au développement, à l'amélioration et au développement de contrats à terme supplémentaires pour notre plate-forme et au paiement de récompenses aux participants.
Quel est le potentiel d'eternalcoin?
Le nombre total de personnes impliquées dans la vente et l'achat de jetons augmente de mille en 1,5. fois. En ayant des moyens de développement innovants, nous avons une grande chance de réussir.
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Cordialement Bonne chance sur la cible

author : fatimahzahra profil link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1743266 ETH addres : 0xE0A253242eA5275282AE14724D833a49368Af8cA

Migranet is a blockchian network which aims to achieve full freedom of the blockchain


Murtaza Khan is the Founder of Migranet, and also the Migration Specialist while Andres Villalobos is the CEO. Migranet is the first blockchain project to build open innovation platform that enables and incentivizes immigration, and commercializing advanced technology with a focus on AI. The Migranet Platform is also built on the Blockchain. By introducing cryptocurrencies into global immigration development cycle, the platform can be created to reward cooperation.


Blockchain provides a secure and fast means of carrying out documents, transactions with the use of ledger technology which are super-fast and impossible to hack. All migration agents, documents and biometric IDs are verified and secured on the blockchain.

Migranet is a blockchian network which aims to achieve full freedom of the blockchain network by bringing about full interoperability of all blockchain networks and improve on immigration speed while lowering the transaction approval speed to the bearest minimum. The network boast of transaction speed that is not comparable with any other network in the crypto space with over thousands of transactions processes per second

The Legal Enforcement Utility in Migranet ecosystem has a great amount of Ideation, technology, capital and experience which will be amassed and shared. Migranet Innovation believes that keeping the technology and the core Platform open will be essential in maintaining the pace of rapid innovation. The Migranet legal compliance team will protect the collective work of the Migranet community by pursuing Compliance and enforcement through legal action against free-riders.


Despite various evolution of blockchain technology, it has continued to face certain challenges, which includes :

Difficulties with enterprise IT integration; this has led to complex operations and workflows. Industries have the tendency of using a diverse range of technologies and processes.

Performance inefficiency as a result of lack of scalability is still a major problem that blockchain faces. This has successfully lowered the number of transactions per second on the blockchain.

Another problem is lack of secured connectivity. Secured connectivity with external systems is something that the current blockchain network lacks at the moment. This is particularly dangerous as hackers are on the lookout to take advantage of any little slack in the security of transactions and vital information.


Migranet platform brings solution by providing transparency, accuracy and accountability at a fraction of traditional cost

Secure and infinitely scalable data storage

The Migranet network is built on the blockchain using distributed ledger technology. This means that information stored on this network are well secure and impossible to be compromised. All migration agents, documents and biometric IDs are verified and secured on the blockchain.

Migranet provides an impenetrable information storage facility with the help of distributed ledger technology and this facility is scalable which means the Migranet network is capable of providing you with as much information storage as you may need

Blockchain Interoperability

Another massive improvement that Migranet has brought to the global Immigration and world of blockchain is the interoperability feature that the network introduces. Migranet is infused with interoperability protocol that makes it easy to integrate with other blockchain networks. You can send transactions from the Migranet network to other blockchain networks and other cryptocurrencies.

Migranet network is a very much needed platform in the global market. Migranet gives refugees total control over their information and help them to monetize it with the use of migranet tokens on the network. These information are also highly secured with the help of distributed ledger technology which ensures that the data stored on the network are kept from the prying eyes of hackers.

This is the immigration platform, which aims to spotlight on various benefits and rigid observance. This is clearly the perfect market for the reliable refugees with structure. This is the high-quality platform for real-time trading. Its high-quality servers are the best place for direct market access and incentive system.

The platform also comes with simple and easy to use tools for any users to develop any country of their choice thereby helping them to connect directly with their end users. Migranet also comes with interoperability protocols that makes it possible for the network to seamlessly interact with other blockchain networks thereby achieving value internet in the crypto space.

This network continues to grow with the addition of new feautures daily to further achieve and provide an ecosystem where the power belongs to the member of the community. Migranet token will be used as a transaction certificate when the user buys a service. Every transaction process will be handled by smart contracts and cross-chain hosting technology to ensure the authenticity, legality, and compliance.

The Migranet platform also offers bounties in which a lot of rewards are given! You can join by clicking the link below.



Migranet is a Cryptographic utility token, which will be used for the payment of services on the Migranet platform. It can be exchanged to other cryptocurrencies on the platform.


MIGRANET IEO WILL BE LAUNCHED ON IDAX ON MAY 16TH, 2019! This is the time for you and i to invest in a wonderful platform, dont miss it.

For more information :



Eternalcoin - A new dawn in the cryptocurrency world

Eternalcoin - A new dawn in the cryptocurrency world

Eternalcoin (EIS) is the ERC20 based token to be used in connection with the Eternal Inc Network. EIS serves for both trading cards as well as participating in tournaments. With the introduction of EIS on the existing Eternal Wars platform, we intend to oer virtual goods on the Blockchain, mitigate fraud and high fees as well as create an innovative gaming experience with real value. With EIS, we will have access to the following:

Market Problem

The Problem of License

Gamers do not own the cards, only the license to use them. Virtual items are basically just licensed to the gamers, and these items are often only available for use on the proprietary platforms. In fact, they can even be manipulated, lost, or reverted with little recourse for the users.

The Problem of Fraud

Authenticity of cards isn’t known. Based on estimations, for each legitimate virtual purchase made, about 7.5% virtual items are lost to fraud , . It is a common knowledge that assets stored and managed online are often exposed to manipulation or chargebacks. This means that merchants have to deal with extra burdens, and scammers damage the game’s reputation.

The Problem of Liquidity

Cards can’t be easily sold or traded with little or no recourse for the users. The Problem of Constant Spending, High Cost and Slow Transaction Spend to keep up with new expansions. Developing a platform for managing virtual goods is often time-consuming and costly. Developers pay 30% to platforms. Game publishers and communities depend on third-party platforms for the processing of virtual goods transactions. Gamers often experience opaque fund ow, slowness, and high transaction fees7

The Problem of Centralization

Economic benets are not going to players. Virtual items and digital currencies are usually locked to a single game, and are non-transferable. Also, if a player becomes banned, they can easily lose all their items and currency.

Eternal Inc Solutions


We are oering the gamers an opportunity to own their assets on the Blockchain. This means that players can earn and own cards by holding EIS.


The nature of Blockchain makes records to be easily identiable without any form of manipulation.

Card Exchange

We are creating a user-friendly market; where users with EIS can buy and sell cards

Decentralized As a Blockchain-based system, centralization will be eradicated.


Eternal Inc’s rst game is called Eternal Wars. The brainchild of Saul Syed, an avid gamer himself, Eternal Wars is based on the popular Japanese Gacha theme. The original idea for the game was created in 2012. However, it took several years before the game came into fruition. This was due to the fact nding the right team, via outsourcing and freelancers, to create the idea was

proving dicult. In 2015 Saul decided to bring all the work in-house. Firstly, hiring sta in South Africa for creating the initial assets required and then sourcing programmers to bring everything together in the UK. This allowed him to oversee every aspect of the game, from the algorithm to the functionality of each action and event. Eternal Wars is a fully-functional cross platform card game, which was released on March 2017 with currently over 10000 downloads both on iOS and Android. Eternal Wars is a trading card game (TCG) in a mythical fantasy universe that features online live multiplayer faction battles (PvP). This multiplayer TCG game will allow you to manage and create your deck, battle with your deck, play games online, participate in Arena PvP and much more. The game is a free-to-play game, however, players can buy cards via in-app purchases. Players can freely trade cards they own within the game via our trade market. But due to the nature of games, players do not own their cards. This is what Eternal Inc hopes to solve by introducing the EIS. This token will allow users to mint their cards in exchange for EIS, which will hold real world value to them. 75,000,000 EIS will be circulated within the Eternal Wars game. Players will also be encouraged to buy and sell tokens from the exchange where our token are listed. We will be looking to introduce special cards which can only be purchased with EIS. These special cards will be limited in number, which in turn will increase their value over time. An example of this would be something similar to Cryptokitties. A web-based game where several of their ‘Kitties’ have been valued in the thousands of dollars, due to their scarcity


Eternal Inc targets three major groups:


The gaming industry is worldwide and huge. It is a very wide platform where billions of gamers and millions of developers interacting. Yet, there appear to be some aws in the traditional system, which has made this interaction to be inecient. There is a need for players to own their assets as well as collaborate and communicate. Game developers even tend to face the challenge of high fees from marketplaces and high costs of acquiring users. Eternal Inc Network decentralized ecosystem helps to solve these problems. Eternal Inc is designed to change the way online card gaming industry operates through the use of the programmable logic of smart contracts, the immutability of Blockchain ledger and high speed of transactions with the aid of the Blockchain technology. For users of our platform, we are oering the following in an attempt to create a better online gaming experience:


The main objective of the token sale is to raise capital to develop the Blockchain architecture, the webpage, associated digital wallets to hold the tokens and for future games. EIS can be spent in game, for in-app purchases, to buy Cards, or to enter tournaments. Tournament prizes are paid out in EIS.


See you later, and for a review of this program, I hope you are always healthy

for info see below:

author      : fatimahzahra

ETH addres  : 0xE0A253242eA5275282AE14724D833a49368Af8cA