Minggu, 06 September 2020

''COVIR is The funding of robotic disinfection systems''


 "We are still in the midst of an accelerated, intense and very serious pandemic.

Even though the pandemic is one, the story varies. The impact of Covid-19 varies around the world, and it's easy to ignore the realities outside your country.

But one fact holds it all together, whether it's in the Amazon rainforest, skyscrapers, streets, or bazaars and offices: it's a virus that spreads through human contact.

This main principle describes the situation in any place in the world and determines the situation in the future.

Robots are designed to decontaminate equipment and large buildings such as food storage facilities and food processing plants, airport terminals, shopping centers and other public buildings. Octopus Biosafety is a mobile, intelligent robot, fully autonomous and modular. At present, Robot Octopus develops and markets mobile, autonomous, intelligent and modular robot devices for use in various industries such as agriculture, defense and surveillance. This is an innovation dedicated to businesses with unique patent technology (PCT). The aim is to micro-aerosolize / deliver liquid. in the form of dry fog to treat the entire space by moving the scattering sphere to get as close as possible to the target. Robot Octopus is AgTech and a pioneering company in the field of Biosafety, which has been listed on the stock exchange since March 14, 2018 in the Euronext Paris ACCESS compartment. The Octopus Biosafety robot is designed to decontaminate equipment and large buildings such as food storage facilities and food processing plants, airport terminals, shopping centers and other public buildings. Octopus Biosafety Is A Robot that is mobile, intelligent, fully autonomous and modular. Refills alone and can be operated 24/7. Octopus Biosafet efficiently treats very large volume environments. It can treat a large place compared to the existing aerosol delivery system.


What Is CVR Token?

CVR Token is a local token dependent on tezos Blockchain innovation, This is a computerized type of advantage permit from Octopus Biosafety Robot, By utilizing blockchain innovation particularly tezos, it empowers savvy contract includes that empower mechanization for sovereignty forms later and obviously it is additionally increasingly straightforward and quicker.


Token Subtleties and Dispersion

Token Name: Covir (CVR)

Type: FA1.2

Stage: Tezos

Token Value: 1 CVR = 0,20 USD

Soft Cap: 500,000 USD

Hard Cap: 40,000,000 USD

Total Supply: 400,000,000



The current pandemic has changed our way of life other than the monetary segment is additionally extremely influenced by this, Then again the Blockchain area got a genuinely positive reaction where a few procedures have utilized Blockchain innovation. Covir and Octopusrobots is one of them by offering a symbolic permit dependent on tezos innovation where holders will get eminences later. With the mix of Blockchain innovation and furthermore computerization innovation offered, they may turn into an elective arrangement that will decrease the degree of Covid-19 sending by quickening Octopus Biosafety robot acknowledgment in each spot and obviously become one of the designers from a blend of these two advancements.


I believe it's sufficient for the present, Remember to follow and upvote for progressively content about new undertaking, I will give a few connections identified with Covir Task beneath. Much thanks!

WebSite: https://covir.fr/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CovirIO

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Covir_io

Telegram: http://t.me/covirIO

Medium: https://medium.com/@covir

Whitepaper: https://covir.fr/wp-content/transfers/2020/03/covir_v2-2.pdf







Senin, 23 September 2019

FRED Energy Ide-Ide Baru Untuk Pengembangan Sumber Energi Terbarukan. FRED Token

Proyek Energi FRED bertujuan untuk mendorong dan memfasilitasi adopsi dan produksi energi terbarukan alternatif yang tersebar luas, serta untuk membiayai berbagai studi dalam pengembangan perangkat energi perusahaan. Perusahaan berusaha untuk menjadi pemain terkemuka dalam proyek-proyek yang dibangun di atas teknologi blockchain dan ditujukan untuk penggunaan energi hijau. Selain itu, FRED Energy berupaya memasuki pasar stasiun pengisian untuk kendaraan listrik melalui berbagai segmen niche untuk meningkatkan kehadirannya di pasar ini. Juga berdampak pada produksi global energi alternatif dan menjadi salah satu pasar online utama untuk produk-produk energi alternatif yang menerima cryptocurrency. Pengenalan skala penuh perangkat penghemat energi dan penghasil energi inovatif ke pasar. Seperti yang Anda ketahui, di banyak negara maju terjadi pengembangan bertahap penggunaan energi terbarukan oleh konsumen. Pada dasarnya, ini semua berdasarkan inisiatif pemerintah dan subsidi. Tetapi segala sesuatu di daerah ini terjadi dengan lambat dan tidak tepat. Namun, permintaan energi terbarukan terus tumbuh pada saat bersamaan dengan inflasi dan kenaikan harga untuk jenis energi tradisional.

Aspek menarik kedua dari pengembangan proyek FRED Energy adalah semakin populernya kendaraan listrik saat ini. Saat ini, orang dapat mengamati tren transisi masal dari pabrikan mobil dan raksasa industri minyak menjadi kendaraan listrik. Laju permintaan ini meningkat setiap tahun. Ini terkait langsung dengan perubahan sosial dan ekonomi di dunia. Peran penting lainnya dimainkan oleh sisi lingkungan dari masalah dan masalah lingkungan. Kita semua tahu tentang pemanasan global dan bisa secara langsung mengamati perubahan iklim dan munculnya fenomena yang sangat tidak terduga. Ini bukan hanya tentang perubahan iklim dan emisi CO2, dan kita berbicara tentang masalah global, karena polusi udara berkontribusi terhadap 4,2 juta kematian per tahun. Anda juga dapat memperhatikan bahwa media semakin memperhatikan masalah lingkungan, pengenalan moda transportasi lingkungan dan gaya hidup berkelanjutan.

Perusahaan FRED Energy sedang berusaha dengan cepat memasuki pasar sumber energi terbarukan. Namun, itu akan menjadi proses yang sangat sulit karena ada ketidaksetaraan di dunia dan ada banyak orang berpenghasilan rendah. Banyak orang tua dan orang berpenghasilan rendah mengalami kesulitan memenuhi kebutuhan hidup dan seringkali bahkan tidak mampu membayar untuk keperluan umum. Perusahaan FRED Energy akan mencoba untuk memecahkan beberapa masalah dan menyediakan pengenalan metode produksi energi baru, pendidikan konsumen tentang konservasi energi dan membawa listrik ke konsumen dengan cara terbaik.

Kami akan mempertimbangkan secara singkat token proyek dan distribusinya:

Nama token: Energi FRED

Simbol: FRED


Harga Utilitas PreCIO: 1 FRED = 0,01 USD Selesai

Di babak pertama, biaya adalah 1 FRED = 0,03 USD dengan bonus 35%

Di babak kedua, biaya akan ditentukan kemudian dan bonus akan menjadi 25%

Platform: Stellar

Mata uang yang diterima: XLM, ETH, BTC, LTC

SoftCap: $ 2.400.000

HardCap: $ 12.000.000

Token akan didistribusikan sebagai berikut:

Penjualan Token: 57%

Cadangan Proyek: 14%

Koin Swap: 6%

Pendiri: 6%

Tim: 6%

Dewan Penasihat: 3%

Mitra: 3%

Pemasaran: 5%

Anda dapat berbicara lebih banyak tentang proyek inovatif seperti FRED ENERGY. Tetapi agar tidak menunda ulasan, saya meninggalkan semua tautan yang penting dan penting di bawah ini dalam uraian. Di sana Anda akan menemukan semua jawaban yang diperlukan untuk pertanyaan yang muncul selama studi proyek. Sebagai kesimpulan, saya ingin menambahkan bahwa proyek FRED ENERGI tidak muncul secara kebetulan dan bukan dari awal. Ketika ada permintaan besar tetapi tidak ada pasokan yang memadai, proyek-proyek inovatif seperti itu selalu muncul. Dalam waktu dekat, Anda dapat berharap bahwa proyek FRED ENERGY akan membuktikan dirinya dan membawa keuntungan bagi penggunanya dan investor.


🔗 Situs web: https://token-sale.fredenergy.org/
🔗 White Paper: http://token-sale.fredenergy.org/FREDEnergy-Whitepaper-v1.1.pdf
🔗 Twitter: https://twitter.com / energy_fred
🔗 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheFredProjectOfficial
🔗 Telegram: https://t.me/FREDEnergycommunity
🔗 ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5160351
🔗 Medium: https://medium.com/@fredenergy.org
🔗 Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/fredenrg/
🔗 Instagram: https: //www.instagram.com/fredenergyofficial
🔗 Github: https: //github.com/fredenrg
🔗 Perselisihan: https://discord.gg/uhAjg9w


Sabtu, 07 September 2019


Cryptoknowmics is an innovative and decentralized platform that serves almost every aspect of the crypto space. It aims to be the top destination and the largest media portal in the crypto space and the all-in-one solution for information and services for the industry.
CRYPTOKNOWMICS features news, videos, news, events, analysis, market fundamentals, dApps, ICOs, STOs, IEOs, coins, tokens, exchanges, exchanges, in-depth market analysis, training modules and tutorials to help enthusiasts and traders gain a better understanding of the complex the world of cryptography and the identification of market trends. We integrate information from more than 3,000 sources and provide our users with a complete and detailed overview and technical analysis of the market. We also help people who are looking for work in cryptography and employers by posting their names and information on our platform.
Cryptographic money, otherwise called computerized resources, exchanging is the purchasing, selling or holding of digital currencies such a Bitcoin (XBT), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC) among others, with the point of creating a benefit from short, medium or long haul changes in their costs.
There is a huge deluge of Blockchain Technologies accessible in the present market since the introduction of Bitcoin. It’s been 10 years, yet there is as yet restricted execution of the innovation in the centre endeavour process because of an absence of necessities as far as versatility, adaptability, protection and security. Tech Giants, for example, Amazon, IBM, Microsoft and Oracle are contending to create Blockchain-as-an administration (BaaS) arrangement that enables both huge undertakings and organizations to actualize, manufacture and tweak their own idea of brought together/decentralized applications. Another age of Blockchain Technology has worked to understand the above difficulties and is prepared for future mass appropriation.
Cryptoknowmics is also a blog hub to source crypto-related news. Certainly, news which largely calls for cryptocurrencies.
First of all, Cryptoknowmics voice blogs which concerns with crypto adventures. This platform publishes content on Bitcoin. As well as, the platform shares informative blogs on alt coins.
Another feature of our blog category is any outsider can share updated content. Readers are welcome to write comments on it.
Here, blogs are posted about the happenings of crypto assets in its increasing market. So, anything is it you are searching in regard of crypto coins, exchanges and as such. You can visit this platform.
Also, interested readers can share their own views on the crypto market. One will see many topics integrating on a single platform. Blogs section gives a unique outlook for the viewers. Blog updates you. It helps you know what is trending. Hence, it connects with everything that is crypto.
We publish correct and reliable information which is reviewed thoroughly by our talented and trustworthy staff
The platform aggregates crypto news from more than 3000 sources including other crypto news sites, blogs, articles, social media, official announcements into a single platform enabling users to stay updated with the crypto world.
We enable the users to give feedback, publish their own articles, participate in an open discussion forum, play games and win tokens.
The real innovation lies in the content strategy where the users are incentivized for almost every action they take on the platform including simply reading a news release or an article. There is no news provider that would incentivize its readers, this is an industry first.
We will use Artificial Intelligence for audience targeting which helps our advertisers and contributors. Cryptoknowmics is also planning to integrate AI based detection and removal of fake news into the platform to ensure authenticity for our users/subscribers.
An Open Platform for our Subscribers or Consumers
Users are incentivized for the simplest of actions.
Participate and avail exclusive deals across various categories.
In depth market analysis and feedback.
Tutorials providing market intelligence.
AI based fake news detection and elimination.
Aggregation of crypto news from more than 3000 sources.
Advanced arbitrage module covering more than 2000 coins/tokens and 10000 trading pairs.
Crypto Market Index
Cryptoknowmics will distribute a crypto market list intended to gauge by and large development, day by day and long haul developments, engineer premium, financial specialist premium and item improvement, showcase capitalization and crypto future prospects. The file will be founded on the parameters above and will fill in as a significant instrument for speculators in their exchanging choices and as a benchmark for the whole crypto industry.
Market and Price Analysis
This stage distributes intermittent market investigation reports for chosen cryptographic money that can give advertise knowledge to crypto-financial specialists including essential and specialized examination. A portion of this substance must be gotten to by premium clients. Clients can likewise submit market breaks down that are distributed after the survey. It will likewise incorporate crypto assertion investigation for crypto dealers on different trades and crypto sets.
Crypto-Related Articles
This stage distributes standard and one of a kind articles went for various spectators in the crypto world. These articles are sourced from industry specialists and clients can likewise submit articles for production on the stage.
ICO, STO and IEO Lists and Ratings
This stage gives ICO, STO and IEO records and appraisals alongside similar audits and evaluations. The master board audits the task and gives free surveys and evaluations on ventures distributed on the stage. Aside from inward surveys and evaluations, clients can likewise add their own appraisals to ventures that are additionally distributed alongside interior evaluations.
Rundown of Tokens and Coins
Tokens and coins at present available alongside market/value data are refreshed straightforwardly on the stage. Also, the stage tracks dead coins that have passed on or are viewed as false. Besides, the stage goes about as an ICO venture whitepapers storehouse.
Register and Review DApp
DApp designers can present their applications, which are distributed on the stage after check to guarantee quality. DApp designers can likewise survey their applications. Clients can peruse and look to discover DApps and they can give appraisals and audits that are like the application store. Point by point investigation is accessible for DApp engineers on client connection.
Crypto Game Platform
Cryptoknowmics offers a gaming stage for crypto/blockchain games. Games can be autonomously created or outsider games can be incorporated on our stage which can be free, paid, or supported to play on the web. The gaming stage completely gets a motivating force where players can get tokens by messing around.
Crypto Exchange and Register Wallet
This stage records and audits different crypto and wallet trades accessible in the market. Clients can likewise add their audits to something very similar. What’s more, this stage incorporates a crypto value exchange examination straightforwardly identified with the cost of cryptographic money banknotes and the trade paces of various crypto combines at all major crypto trades. This enables financial specialists and clients to exploit value contrasts from different crypto trades.
Crypto Discussion Forum
The Crypto discourse gathering is likewise a noteworthy segment of the stage that enables clients to straightforwardly examine crypto-related themes. This is like discussions like bitcointalk.org. In contrast to different gatherings, clients are urged to take part in exchange and they are given motivators dependent on their degree of association and notoriety.
Rundown of Crypto Events
This is where crypto industry occasions, for example, summits, gatherings, preparing programs, addresses can be enrolled and elevated to target market portions. Clients can purchase tickets for these occasions on the web. Cryptoknowmics will likewise hold modern occasions under its image.
Crypto/Freelance Jobs
Specialists and employment searchers can list their profiles in this area. Bosses can likewise post their undertakings/occupations and afterwards consultants/work searchers can apply for them. This normally capacities as an independent market explicitly for the crypto world.
Airdrop Launchdrop
Airdrop launchpad helps crypto activities register and deal with their airdrops on one stage. The venture proprietor can indicate different assignments/activities that must be finished to get tokens including referrals, sharing, and joining web-based life gatherings. Launchpad tracks client activities to guarantee that tokens are just given to the individuals who effectively complete the prerequisites. It additionally gives extensive investigation to dissecting the status and consequences of airdrops.
Identified Issue by Cryptoknowmics
Since the making of Bitcoin in 2009, digital money has seen uncommon development and potential in making new items, administrations, markets and speculation open doors for individuals around the globe. Cryptographic money rapidly catches the enthusiasm of the overall population and they rapidly become basic in regular exchanges. This has made a tremendous interest in crypto news and crypto-related items and administrations. Truth be told, there are hundreds, if not a huge number of sites and crypto-related media on the web. In any case, practically the majority of this media centres around or spends significant time in one or a few parts of crypto space. In this manner, individuals regularly need to get to different sources/stages to address their issues on the grounds that there are no solid sources or stages that can productively and viably serve the necessities of practically all crypto market portions. Then again, this circumstance has made it hard for advertisers of crypto items/administrations to arrive at the mass market without costly battles.
The Solution Proffered
Cryptoknowmics is building a decentralized across the board stage that spreads pretty much every part of the crypto space and will be an unmistakable hotspot for dependable data and administrations for the business. At the end of the day, he is building the Financial Times or Wall Street Journal for the crypto world with numerous extra includes.
Token Name: Cryptoknowmics Token
Token Symbol: CKM
Token Type: ERC20
Token Supply: 10,000,000,000
Token Price: $0.0024

Cryptoknowmics Roadmap
Jan — Mar 2019
Cryptoknowmics beta portal
Apr — June 2019
CKM mobile app — Android & Apple Android Platform
Jul — Sept 2019
Token sale, Crypto Games Through CKM, Forum
Oct- Dec 2019
Blockchain-based token distribution For authors and end users Start Organizing a crypto event and Conference, ICO/STO Launchpad, Arbitrage 200+exchange\ 10000+ Trading pairs.
Jan-Mar 2020
Al-based fake news detection al Based customized API’s for end Users and enterprises
Apr-Jun 2020
Al-based advertising platform
Jul — Sept 2020
Crypto index

Website: https://www.cryptoknowmics.io/
Social Website: https://www.cryptoknowmics.com/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/cryptoknowmics/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/official_ckm
Linkedin Page – https://www.linkedin.com/company/18278944/admin/
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/cryptoknowmic/?hl=en
Telegram – https://t.me/cryptoknowmic
Medium – https://medium.com/@cryptoknowmics_ckm
Reddit:- https://www.reddit.com/r/cryptoknowmics/

Token Belifex

Belifex blockchain is a blockchain database that supports and encourages community development and social interaction thanks to cryptocurrency prize payments. The Belifex Blockchain will focus primarily on all concepts of social media, advertising, artificial intelligence and platforms for collective adoption. Donations and charities are the key to collective adoption. An important key to inspiring people to participate is a free market currency or economy while building a system to support it. The contribution of each person, will be a source of income. Belifex will be the first cryptocurrency to try to give accurate and transparent rewards to individuals who make independent contributions to their community, charity and donations.
What is Belifex (BEFX)?
Belifex is an Ethereum based token that allows fast and personal transactions on the blockchain. With the creation of a decentralized social media exchange platform, it will start creating its own ecosystem.
Focus Area:
Code Distribution:
1.1. Social Media: 1.2. Payment Gateway: 1.3. Advertising: 1.4. Donation and startup: 1.5. Artificial Intelligence: 1.6. Health Care: 1.7. CEX and DEX exchange platform
Expected Product:
Belifex Social: This is a platform that allows people to receive BEFX coins for content they write or create
Payment Platform: Payment platform for websites / web workshops to implement BEFX easily on the platform, there is a kind of database that stores plugins
Belifex Advertising Services: Advertising and donation platform for companies and startup companies
Market: Create a place where you can buy and sell goods. Machine learning tools:
Data learning applications, will bring more marketing incentives and human dynamics
Games that use the VRSocial Health app:
Application performance, users will be rewarded when access to prizes. For example, you run 5 miles each time. This is great for getting sports people to take the train.
Belifex Exchange Platform: Belifex will create two exchange platforms for its community. Centralized and decentralized platform. This will be done to enable the trading of tokens and erc20 currencies.
Please join our official telegram for updates and important news about Belifex …
Belifex Social:
This is a platform that allows people to receive BEFX coins for content they write or create
Payment Platform:
Payment platform for web sites / web workshops to implement BEFX easily on the platform there, what type of database stores plugins
Belifex Advertising Services:
An advertising and donation platform for companies and startups
Create a place where you can buy and sell goods.
Application and machine learning tools:
Data learning applications, will bring more marketing incentives and human dynamics
Augmented Reality:
The game uses VR
Social Health Application:
Application performance, users will be rewarded when access to prizes. For example, you run 5 miles each time. This is great for getting sports people to take the train.
Belifex exchange platform:
Belifex will create 2 exchange platforms for its community. Centralized and decentralized platform. This will be done to enable the trading of tokens and erc20 currencies.


Hasil gambar untuk byzbit


BYZBIT is a tokenized Paper Mill Factory exploiting agriculatural waste and other materials in producing paper and blockchain technology in creating a valued added business economy thereby increasing production capacity, efficiency and reducing wastage and environmental pollution.
It utilized the Ethereum ERC-20 standard in its design enabling the economic exchange of value amongst the participant of the BYZBIT economy thereby bridging the economic communication flow between physical and digital environments thus ensuring easier and faster transfer of value.
BYZBIT (BYT) will focus on paper mill manufacturing industries which make use of agricultural waste material that serves as its main raw materials to produce tons of paper every day. By these, we can reduce cutting of trees as we all know that trees is the main raw material for paper manufacturing. This project will also help to protect our environment, burning or agricultural waste that turns into ashes will reduce, trees will be preserved, and the project will also use green energy such as energy produced by wind, water and sun.
BYZBIT (BYT) blockchain will convert traditional manufacturing factory setup to a sophisticated Smart Digital Manufacturing to produce high quality output of the target product from the rice production up to paper production using the waste agricultural product. Integrated with Smart Energy that the company will adopt, production of paper will be more efficient in many ways and will avoid interruption of operation because smart energy would be provided as a smart solution for power required by the operation.


The need to productively utilized agricultural waste thus reducing environmental harm as well as meeting the increasing demand on paper while exploiting the blockchain technology to improve economic exchange.
The Paper Mill Factory utilizes innovative solutions in achieving its objectives of paper production. This it aims to achieve via usage agricultural wastes such as rice straws, teff straws, bagasse etc and other material inputs in producing papers in jumbo rolls after which it will be distributed to manufacturing firms who focus on smaller size papers. These materials will be sourced from the country of origin Ethiopia while power will be generated for production using Smart Renewable Energy thus promoting a green enviromnent.
The BYZBIT token will be utilized by all for the exchange of values amongst participants of the paper mill economy.

The Papermill Factory

The Paper Mill Factory utilizes innovative solutions in achieving its objectives of paper production. This it aims to achieve via usage agricultural wastes such as rice straws, teff straws, bagasse etc and other material inputs in producing papers in jumbo rolls after which it will be distributed to manufacturing firms who focus on smaller size papers. These materials will be sourced from the country of origin Ethiopia while power will be generated for production using Smart Renewable Energy thus promoting a green enviromnent. The BYZBIT token will be utilized by all for the exchange of values amongst participants of the paper mill economy.


A cryptocurrency wallet stores the public and private keys which can be used to receive or spend the cryptocurrency. A wallet can contain multiple public and private key pairs.
BYT Compatible Wallets: BYT is an erc-20 token and it can be held in any ERC-20 compartible wallets such as Imtoken, Myetherwallet, Coinomi etc. However, for easy of usage, wallets with Mobile Apps are preferable.
  • Live byzbit rate
  • Latest cryptocurrency news
  • Cryptocurrency exchange


To calculate the number of tokens you’ll receive, you can follow the following formula. Note that this applies to private sale contributions only.
Symbol: BYT
Initial Value: 0.3 USD = 1 BYT
Total Supply: 100,000,000 BYT
Type: ERC20
Smart Contarct: 0xb089db4cebbf0618b295d9defc7feb00f56da033

Token Distribution


April 2019: BYZBIT Platform Idea
Juli 2019: Technical & Strategy Development
October 2019: IEO & Private Sale
January 2020: Development of Byzbit Apps
April 2020: Construction of Paper Mill
July 2020: Soft Opening of Paper Mill (Cutting)
October 2020: Expansion of Services


Sean Ginoy: President
Dr. Angelito Argete: Executive Vice President
Jerry Lucas: VP for Operation
Mr. Ndifreke Umoh: VP for Finance
Jeff Caceres: VP for Sales & Marketing
Peter Cris Domingo Nabida: VP for Public Relation
Jennybelle Bacelonia: Executive Secretary
Mr. Alfred Alexander: Director for Finance
Oluwaseun Duncan: Creative Director
Nishul Nishant: Marketing and business development, Investor Engagement.
Mark Anthony Umadhay: Graphic Artist
Yashir Inedal: Bounty Manager


Efosa Ighodaro
Emmanuel Adams
Sonny Verueco
Evan Anthony Condoriano Ezquer