Rabu, 26 Desember 2018




PeruSoin is a venture started by Bits2u, which plans to expand information of the Crypto-cash in Peru and will permit:
To give information about the Crypto-money of the Peruvian open
Urge people, in general, to put resources into cryptographic forms of money
Make one of the biggest mining ranches in Peru.Training dependent on trips to the mining ranch, how mining machines work
PeruCoin’s primary goal in the here and now is to finish the main period of our Roadmap which incorporates the acquiring and obtaining of the manufacturing plant which will later be changed over into a mining ranch. Also, we plan to upgrade and encourage the far-reaching selection of cryptographic forms of money among the Peruvians. Through the Mining ranch, we likewise intend to end up the best in class age crypto-mining stage utilizing the possibilities ofBlockchain innovation. We plan to bring extraordinary financial returns for our speculators, PERU token holders, and taking interest dealers while additionally conveying astonishing offers to the Peruvians people group.


PeruCoin’s vision is to advance the learning about digital currencies to the Peruvian populace through guided visits to a production line where they can value the details and activities of the mining machines in real life and through meetings. We intend to accomplish this by educating and expanding the familiarity with the general Peruvian populace on the advantages and security of blockchain innovation and embracing advanced monetary forms. In a perfect world, we imagine driving the improvement of another monetary biological community in Peru grounded in the communications between teaching the masses and cooperations of blockchain technology and resources administration
Presentation of blockchain innovation in PERU has been an extraordinary one by the PERUCOIN TEAM essentially on the grounds that the aides in conveying individuals all the more near the blockchain innovation. PERUCOIN intends to advance and build up the genuine information of cryptographic money and blockchain innovation in PERU. With the end goal to accomplish the AIM and OBJECTIVES, PERUCOIN has gained a mining machine from an outstanding accomplice which will be utilized intentionally to mine of cryptographic money in PERU. PERUCOIN obtaining of the ranch implies the level of earnestness of the group behind the task and its endeavors in accomplishing its AIM and OBJECTIVES.
PERUCOIN is been propelled by BITSU organization which will see to the issues and activities of PERUCOIN venture. PERUCOIN undertaking will guarantee sufficient learning about digital money and its utilization is given to individuals of PERU and similarly urged them to put resources into cryptographic money is as of now the best interest in this cutting-edge world. Interest in BLOCKCHAIN innovation has been a decent one throughout the years in which elites on the planet are moving in into this venture
This is a token that will be utilized in PERUCOIN stage as exchange charges, rewards for mine workers and in like manner as the token that will be utilized for the repurchase designs.
Image: PRU
Token compose: ETH (ERC20)
ICO Price: 1 PRU = 10.00 USD
Min buy: 120 USD
Add up to supply: 2,000,000 PRU
Accessible available to be purchased: 1,444,000 PRU
Delicate top: 5,000,000 USD
Hard top: 10,000,000 USD
ICO End date: 10TH of November 2018


Jumat, 21 Desember 2018

Perucoin blockchain and their plan on the future

Trong hình ảnh có thể có: văn bản

Hello everyone!! It's me again!! Today, I will bring you the more infomation about the Perucoin blockchain and their plan on the future ( You can read about my last post about Peru here : https://siteall1tool.blogspot.com/2018/11/perucoin-ico-that-will-change-peru.html)

Interest in Blockchain Technology has increased since the idea was created in 2008. We have seen the Blockchain Technology boom and wide cryptocurrency adoption last year, when Bitcoin reached ATH almost $ 20k last December. Some countries embrace him wholeheartedly and create their own cryptocurrency, while others just watch and ignore it completely. Peru for one, unfortunately, seems far behind LATAM's counterparts with reported adoption rates as low as 0.7%. This lack of awareness or belief creates a unique opportunity for Bits2U, PeruCoin developer.
Perucoin is a project initiated by the Bits2u company, which aims to broaden knowledge about cryptocurrency in Peru and will focus on:
• Providing knowledge about cryptocurrency to the Peruvian public
• Encouraging people to invest in cryptocurrency
• Creating one of the largest mines in Peru
• Teach visitors to mining farms, the ins and outs of how mining machines and the whole crypto ecosystem work
PeruCoin's main short-term goal is the purchase and acquisition of factories which will later be converted into mining land. We developed PeruCoin for mainstream adoption in Peru and will provide a complete solution for crypto enthusiasts and investors to ensure value maximization for our clients.
Perucoin creation is based on the following key value points:
> Bring awareness about crypto in general and PeruCoin in particular.
> Guided visits to crypto mining farms will have a strong PR appeal and will help Peru understand the technology and infrastructure behind the company.
> Physical location will help improve the perception of authenticity and encourage adoption.
> Develop non-banking asset management solutions and alternative financing strategies, outside the banking companies and traditional financial systems for our users and members.
> Also offers crypto-advisory and trading services.
> On-boarding traders to increase crypto receipts as a means of trading.
In addition, PeruCoin aims to improve and develop cryptocurrency adoption in Peru. Through mining, we also aim to become the latest generation crypto-mining platform that utilizes the potential of Blockchain technology. We intend to provide great financial benefits to our investors, PERU token holders, and traders who participate while also providing exceptional value propositions to Peruvian communities.
Hopefully this information is useful for all of you. For those of you who want to contribute to this project. You can click the related link below. See you at the next meeting with me again!


EndChain provides a complete and cost-effective logistics

Using a block chain allows you to simplify many everyday processes. What we carry out every day and absolutely do not think about what process is going through this.One such process is the delivery of goods. The EndChain project intends to cover every sector of the supply chain, including the used car market. This project will allow its users, using blockchain, to track even daily goods. Additional functions for communication between the supply chain and allowing additional chains to be created further increase the relevance of the product to the supply chain.

EndChain provides a complete and cost-effective logistics package that benefits all sides of the supply chain. While most tokens for recycling are focused on high-end products, EndChain focuses on the low and medium market, an area that has been ignored for too long. EndChain can enter this market due to the ease and low price of the system compared to other tokens that target expensive NFC chips or manual input.

The platform uses the QR code EndChain. It is unique in that it includes a barcode in the QR code. This design makes it easy to use because EndChain users will know how to scan only the code found on the package. Other companies that rely on outdated barcode technology will be able to scan the embedded barcode. Thus, EndChains QR code creates a special code for working with any type of system. An additional advantage is that a single code can update both a blockchain and any internal legacy systems using a single scan. The purpose of this is to reduce complexity and increase efficiency.

A compact company can only be as strong as its economy. EndChain is committed to both its corporate users and investors. To ensure that the needs of both are met, a deflationary self-regulating economy will be used. Corporations will be encouraged to buy and hold EndChain tokens for the purchase of QR codes, the conclusion of contracts and access to the data stream.

The percentage of fees associated with these features will be “burned” to reduce the number of tokens. If EndChain’s market value remains unchanged, the price of individual tokens will increase.

To succeed, a token needs a thriving market. Tokens that are not used have no purpose for investors. In addition, tokens that do not have a constant number of buyers create unstable prices. That is why EndChain focused on providing a lively market, attracting companies to buy EndChain tokens. Using our tokens, companies can receive a discount on our qr codes, big data and smart contracts.

If the market for EndChain is down, more tokens will be required to pay for each order. When more tokens are used, more will be burned; thus increasing the price until it reaches equilibrium. As a result, it is safer to keep EndChain for a long time, because there are measures to protect against price reduction. Thus, EndChain will have a self-adjusting system that provides stable savings.

Details of the ICO

Token distribution:

Use of funds:

Thanks to a large base of potential customers, EndChain can immediately start working with our product. 2-4% of revenue from sales will be for recording EndChain tokens. This will help reduce the number of EndChain tokens in the long run; thereby increasing the price. Since most companies need to plan ahead and budget, they are likely to buy and retain the number of EndChain tokens. This will create strong support for the EndChain market.

Road map

The project team

Contact Information
Website: https://www.endchain.io/

VTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5055264.new#new

Bounty VTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index. topic = 5056363.0


Github: https://github.com/EndChain

Twitter: https: // twitter .com / EndChainIO

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EndChainIO/

Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/J19jRxLbcyhWw25SXGtlcA

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/EndChain/

Youtube: https : //www.youtube.com/channel/UCfngp1u5OimZkTEm1NX78yQ

fatimahzahra : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1743266


Kamis, 20 Desember 2018

Presentation of the ICO platform of Beverage Cash

Digital currency digital money or electronic money or electronic currency is a kind of currency that is only available in digital form, not physically like paper money and coins. It shows properties similar to physical currency, but allows for instant transactions and transfer of ownership without limits. Examples include virtual currency and cryptocurrency or even the central bank issuing digital money. Like traditional money, this currency can be used to purchase physical goods and services, but may also be limited to certain communities such as for use in online games or social networks.

The main problem of cryptocurrencies is their integration into the real sector of the economy. The revolution has already taken place, and the cryptocurrency economy is increasingly being introduced into everyday life, but the problem remains: the volume of digital currencies accumulated in the market now amounts to hundreds of billions of dollars, but there is still a very limited opportunity to use them as payment for goods and services.

To solve this problem, a decentralized platform was created for trading commodity tokens, 100% provided with alcoholic beverages.


An intuitive application that is simple and accessible to new users.
Social component-members of the community (experts, collectors, wholesalers, manufacturers of alcoholic beverages, etc.) receive a reward from the prize Fund through smart contracts for their achievements and recommendations.
Localization-the ability, with the help of geolocation, to distribute lots and users nearby, to communicate with them using the built-in messenger and, if necessary, to meet for the transaction.
The inability to manipulate the trust rating is a unique solution that excludes any manipulation.
Security-smart contracts protect users and their funds from misuse.
Transparency - all transactions are made in the blockchain.
Instant payments, smart contracts, distributed the money among participants immediately after the transaction.


Socialization of the platform and development of a broad ecosystem on its basis is the most important element of success. The platform is designed to meet the requirements of a wide range of participants in the alcohol market and the cryptocurrency community.


Investors - private and institutional. For them, the purchase of highly liquid assets insures their cryptocurrency capital from loss and make a profit. Investment portfolios with the highest profit will be awarded with the investment trust Cup from bronze to platinum.

Traders are able to speculate in the market without having to buy a lot. They are awarded various statuses for the most active and profitable work - from a novice trader to a guru.

Manufacturers of alcoholic beverages have the opportunity to sell their produced alcoholic beverages on the platform.

Collectors and sellers have the opportunity to trade their alcoholic beverages on the platform.

Experts evaluate the quality of drinks, their potential price, taste, rarity of the drink, publish opinions, tasting reports, awards and other information. Depending on the level of trust and activity, they get paid for their publications from the prize Fund.

Consumers buy drinks for further transportation to the specified location.

Advertisers. Any of the participants of the alcohol market and related areas can advertise their products on the platform. The advertising Fund is distributed among the most active participants.

Third-party developers have the ability to create apps for any device using the API.

How It Works?
Beverage token (BT) will be traded at the beverage.cash platform for the cryptocurrency Beverage Coin (BCCT). With Beverage Token (BT) the manufactures of alcohol products, wholesalers, collectors, owners of alcohol can place their alcoholic beverage products to the platform in the form of lot. 

Each lot placed on the platform (one bottle, one barrel, one box, etc.) is represented by a token that will accumulate information throughout the lot's existence: type of drink (wine, distillate, brandy, whisky, cognac etc.) manufacturer, packaging, ingredients, time and place of production, location, estimated value, recommendation made by experts, history of price changes, transaction history etc.

Beverage Coin (BCCT) is a crypto coin intended for making deals with trading tokens - Beverage Token (BT) - and pay service fee and commission on beverage.cash platform. Beverage Coin is endowed by physical assets with high liquidity and has a huge growth potential. It will be sold on major exchanges and is fully 


The total cost of the lots has 2 components of the price change:

Increasing or decreasing the number of lots-increasing the number of lots by adding new lots to the platform - reducing the number of lots by selling lots or withdrawing lots from sale.
The increase in the cost of an alcoholic beverage over time is due to the maturation of alcohol in barrels and bottles and the rarity of sharp alcoholic beverages over time. The market price of Beverage Cash (BCCT) is calculated according to the following formula:
BCCTp = (MV / ETHp) / Bcct
BCCTp is the price of a coin of an alcoholic beverage.
Mv - total market value of drinks lots on the platform in us dollars
ETHp - market value ETH in US dollars.
BCCTt - total number of issued coins for drinks.
At the ICO stage, the token is sold at a fixed price: 1BCCT = 0.0002 ETH
The market price of the coin is recalculated according to the total value of the lots placed on the platform in real time.

The total value of lots is 50M USD
The number of Beverage Cash (BCCT) Issued: 150,425,700
Price ETH = 600 USD BCCT = (50,000,000 / 600) / 150,425,700 = 0.0055 ETH
With a platform lots worth USD 500M, Beverage Cash (BCCT) will be 0.0553 ETH.

Total capacity: 150,425,700 BCCT.
The number for the open market: 97,776,705 BCCT
Private sale: 12% - 11,733,205-50% BONUS%
Pre-sale: 18% - 17,599,807-25% BONUS%
Main sale: 70% - 68,443,693-10% BONUS-0%
Soft Cap - 1,500 ETH
Hard Cap - 30,000 ETH


Thank you once again for taking the time to read this article, and thank you a million times for your support of Beverage Cash.

For More Information:



Selasa, 18 Desember 2018

FON Is A New Business Model With A Characteristic Of "Decentralized Ownership

Hasil gambar untuk fonder diamond

FON Is A New Business Model With A Characteristic Of "Decentralized Ownership", Used To Address The Monopolistic Problem Of The Dominating Centralized IT Solutions. Read More
With A Mission To Build FON As A Mainstream Cryptocurrency We Will Reinvent The Existing Blockchain To Create The Fonder Blockchain Platform. Read More
Fonder Has An All-In-One Wallet, Which Will Be A Gateway For Shopping, Saving, Living, Investing And Receiving Endless Benefits. Read More
FON Currency Has A Motto: Live A Fonder Life. A Social Mission We Begun Even Long Before Launching "Fonder Diamond" In Singapore. Read More
Fonder Blockchain

Speed And Fees
With the ability to process millions of transaction per second with virtually zero transaction fees involved. You'll never have to wait for that important transaction to clear.

100% Privacy
By utilizing multiple anonymity-centric networks fonder blockchain can provide private transactions that are completely untraceable. Keeping your assets disconnected from your identity.

Send Crypto Currency Like You Send Email
Our Blockchain Name Service (BNS) enables easy adoption of crypto currency and blockchain services with easy to remember addresses.

Blockchain Builder
Build endlessly scalable blockchain applications, customize all aspects of your blockchain including currencies, transactions and consensus.



Multi-Currency Wallet
Manage all your assets in one secure account.

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, Zcash and other digital currencies.

Receive reward points, discounts and new currency airdrops with access to our full network of FON Applications such as Fonpoints, Fonmedia, Fonads & Fonstore.

Payment Gateway
( For Merchants )
Fonder wallet enables any merchant to accept crypto-currency payments for services with customizable checkout modules.

Token Distribution
Token Total supply - Determined by Pre-sale total Tokens sold
21% - ICO and Bounties
28% - Founding team, early contributors (locked)
14% - Future use for strategy partner (locked)
37% - Company Reserve (locked)

Where is Fonder located?
What is Fonder Diamond?
Will I be able to buy diamond with FON?
What is meant by "Fonder ICO guaranteed by Fonder Diamond"?
Will I receive a confirmation email after I purchase FON tokens?

Preparation of Fonder Diamond
Official Launch of Fonder Diamond
Launch of "Fonder Light Performance"
Launch of Fonder Wallet basic.
Fonder ICO Private sale
Fonder ICO Pre sale
Fonder Diamond Global Expansion
Launch of FONPoints
Launch of FONMedia
Launch of FONGroups
Launch of FONAds
Launch of FONStore
Launch of Fonder Blockchain



