Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

WRIO Internet OS


Automatic correlation, classification, and cataloging of web data against users’ interest matrices will allow the creation of predictive user-centric services and next generation search engines. WRIO Internet OS will become their platform, and will create a new market of browser-driven smart predictive systems — very inexpensive thin-client terminal devices with WRIO Internet OS onboard
.Distributed secure Web 3.0
[Browsing] Each page contains a link to wrioos.js that connects it to the default WRIO OS node
What is WRIO Internet OS
A blockchain-powered platform for developing a machine-readable web featuring automatic data processing. Automatic data processing will enable a tuned up browsing experience based on the needs and interests of each individual user. This will pave the way for a user-centric Web 3.0 with its predictive services and search engines of a new generation.
The Evolution of the Platform
WRIO Internet OS
Mission: Serve as a human-machine interpreter.
The platform will upgrade today’s Web 2.0 to machine-readable Web 3.0. Machine-readable web will pave the way for an automatic data processing and will enable the user-centric feature: users will receive screened information automatically based on their interests.
Thin-client terminal devices
[HTTP Request] Page can be merged together like a lego brick without API

[Robot friendly (machine-readable)]. Related Data, supported by Schema.org. JSON-LD is a semantic format

 supported by all major search engines. The page semantic structure ensures high organic search position 

without search engine optimization. The format that is easy to read by the machine allows automatic data processing

[WRIO Internet OS] WRIO OS applications, browsers & plugins use isolated containers and process pages in read-only mode, ignoring all scripts, ensuring user security.

Theme [User Interface]

[Сloud & Distributed Applications] Rich functions for hubs. Applications use blockchain to store and read page metadata, and operate with assets through Smart Contracts

[Ethereal Blockchain] MetaDataBase, user profile and assets

        Discussion list of current Web 2.0 issues and solutions in Web 3.0 that will be implemented with project development:

Issue: Separate profiles must be registered and managed for each website or service.

⨯ an unsafe and outdated authorization mechanism based on email + password

Solution: A universal profile in a decentralized user pool based on Ethereal blockchain.

✓ blockchain address function as ID. Access is provided through the use of cryptokey stored on the user side.

Note: The first WRIO OS node (web service that allows data delivery) has been operated with authorization via 

Twitter. However, to date, when registering, users get a secret phrase consisting of 12 words that gives access 

to wallets and assets stored in the Ethereal block.

Problems: Low trust online, fake accounts, scams and spam.

⨯ 88% of all email and content is spam & phishing

Solution: Commonly accessible reputation network based on blockchain technology.

✓ Web of Trust (WoT) - a social graph of trusted relationships between users

Problem: No privacy, supervision.

⨯ The 3rd party has access to the personal data stored in the service database.

Solution: End-to-end encryption.

✓ disclosures controlled by the user. Personal data is encrypted in the user profile and can only be accessed by people from WoT users

Problems: Low security, viruses and malware. Most websites require JavaScript to operate. It can contain malicious code and infect a user's computer through a browser.

⨯ 71% of sites found containing some malicious code are actually legitimate websites that have been compromised in some way

⨯ 32% of computers worldwide are infected with viruses and malware

Solution: The WRIO OS page process is in read-only mode, ignoring all scripts, thus ensuring user security.

✓ high security

Functions and interactivity are provided through cloud and distributed applications

Issue: Censorship.

⨯ the website may be blocked

Solution: Pages can be stored on hosting static content. If the page is blocked, the file can be accessed in proxy mode via one of the WRIO OS nodes.

✓ there is no central point of failure Interchangeable nodes (such as Tor)

Problem: The website requires search engine optimization, and only 4% of web content (~ 8 billion pages) is available through search engines like Google, the rest is an inner web that is not available to most users due to technical accessibility difficulties.

Information is isolated, a database is required to store data

⨯ less than 5% semantic page, unstructured data

⨯ average web page contains only 14% user-readable data, the rest is HTML markup, CSS, JS and so on.

Solution: Blockchain is a publicly accessible metadata storage of Web pages 3.0 which allows to set up interconnected services and search engines using a single data source.

✓ metadata stored in block (MetaDataBase)

✓ Data linked from page: machine-readable, semantic and structured data

✓ Dark web support. Increase the scale of indexed networks available to users

Issue: Information is duplicated every 18 months.

⨯ manual search and information processing

Solution: Automatic processing and classification of incoming information based on user interest matrices.

✓ user-centric web dashboard

Issue: Difficulty with monetization and promotional content.

⨯ revenue from incoming content to social media, not authors

Solution: Monetize content cryptocurrency, automatic search for relevant readers.

✓ curation and distribution of information automatically through the user interest matrix

Issues: Website development and support requires a lot of effort and resources.

Site development requires technical knowledge and / or financial investment

Solution: Hub - Web site 3.0. To create a website one needs to fill the template in the WYSIWYG editor.

✓ free and simple development of a new type of machine readable website

Check out our Advanced Guide for more details.


Features will be added as WRIO Internet OS progresses:

- machine-read. A Decentralized Global Pool (GDP) of open semantic data, shareable, reusable and machine readable

- semantics The semantic structure of a page that does not require search engine optimization and ensures top search results

- hub. New types of GDP-based sites that enjoy the cohesion of cross-domain data usage without copy / past or API

- Decentralization Content is proof-and proof-proof
 Curation Automatic data processing and distribution

- user-centric Web dashboard - automatically bookmarking of bookmarks based on the context: news, games, music, social media, and more.

- Automation Automation of web activity

- Predictive predictive UI and search

- Monetize Monetize content with Credits

- promotion. Comment and content promotion through advanced tweets - Pinger

- Simple Rich function through cloud / distributed applications: no need to download, update, install or set up any software

- global. Blockchain as a database of metadatabase and repository. Generalized decentralized user profile database based on Ethereal blockchain

- single sign-on Blocking address serves as ID, authorizing one click safely

- privacy Disclosures that are user-controlled

- anonymity Dark web support: VPN, Tor, I2P, etc.

- Free malware and virus security

- spam-proof Efficient protection of spam through the Web of Trust

- Open. The project is open-source

How it works

WRIO's Internet OS is PaaS and its cloud app is SaaS, operating on a remote server. Such services need not be installed, configured or updated by the user; Resource hungry operations are performed on the server side, while the client receives the final result. Thus, the application in turn acts as a conventional desktop program, and it intends to replace the desktop OS in the near future.

WRIO Internet OS Internet


00. Global Data Pool. Linked Data Storage: An HTML page, containing a link to wrioos.js that connects it to the default WRIO OS node. Can be stored in hosting static content

01. WRIO Internet OS. The decentralized network of WRIO OS nodes that create Linked Data and convert it into hubs: nodes are only required for users who do not use WRIO browser / plugin / mobile applications.

02. Theme. Used to display hubs and cloud user interfaces and distributed apps with the style chosen by the user

03. Cloud and distributed applications. A set of apps that define hub functionality: sharing in certain social media, comments, and more, including web dashboard apps and apps using blockchain

04. Smart Contract. The independent execution algorithm interacts with blockchain

05. Blockchain. A metadata base and an asset repository

       The user-centric approach will revolutionize the browsing experience. Currently users can only select a browser and specify a set of plugins to use with it. But with the internet user OS WRIO control goes one step higher: the hub writer determines the content, but the display style and the set of functions are determined by the user. Web 2.0 sites are replaced with user-centric hubs from Web 3.0.

        WRIO Editor The default Internet OS creates web pages based on schemas in JSON-LD (Linked Data) semantic format: HTML files are static data sets (key-value). The page format has been developed by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Yandex. Page indexing does not require search engine optimization or syntax analysis, which ensures high organic search positioning. The page format reads the machine, which allows automatic data processing. This opens the way for automatically deduced web development: the metadata of each created page is recorded in the blockchain, then correlates with the user interest matrix stored in the profile. If there is a match, the page is displayed in the user's web dashboard (webtop), which is a key element of the user-centered web.

Business model
Credit (CRD) is the token of the WRIO OS platform. Cryptocurrency mining is based on the PoSA concept (social action proof) - users can receive 10 CRDs every hour for free by clicking on "Get Free Credits" in the Comments section on any page with comments enabled (including this one). They can be used to receive and give donations (crediting). So CRD is a kind of unusual kind, whose numbers reflect the size of your approval and thanks for the content created by an author. Although the initial cost of CRD is not high (see below), if there are many CRD lenders, the number is large enough to support the author. Soon CRDs will be used to get additional services that will increase the chances of users: premium accounts, postal upgrades, ad placements,

        If someone regrets that they are not yet an early user of Bitcoin, they have the opportunity to become one for WRIO Internet OS, and receive and get Credits. Even with Bitcoin is not that easy! But unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other cryptocurrencies, the mines are based on computer performance, because CRD emissions do not require power consumption, not just "green" crypts. A user can receive 10 * CRDs per hour, which is a modest amount for developed countries, but for more than one billion people earning $ 2 a day, this system provides a unique opportunity to gain significant addition to that amount as a social miner. As the number of people participating in CRD mining and accruals grows,

WRIO Internet OS Stock Exchange is scheduled to be launched in 2018. Stock Exchange will offer WGD / CRD pairs. The initial exchange rate is set to 1: 1, ie 1,000 CRD = 1g of gold, which at the time of writing is equivalent to $ 40. A balance between supply and demand will correlate CRD costs, making the most unfavorable social groups the most active social miners.         

* At a later stage the number of CRDs received will be directly related to the account rating, which will eliminate the incentive to register a fake account.
For more information, you can visit:

Website: https://wrioos.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/webRunes
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/webRunes/
Telegram: https: // t. me / joinchat / HQmOXBJBlh7ACTPwWGTiKg

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