Launched publicly as a certified and decentralized blockchain platform. Originally founded by Skelpy Inc., the Skelpy platform allows a digital currency payment system that is transparent and fully decentralized. Based on blockchain technology, Skelpy provides certified digital wallets for all users. This is the main goal of the project initiated by Skelpy that can be of concern to every entrepreneur with a certified digital identity.
This platform facilitates the transaction process using SKP Skelpy digital currency. Like other fiat paper currencies in the form of paper and metal, digital currencies are one of the payment instruments that are a trend for businesses and investors. Digital digital. the use of fiduciary money describes banks and local governments through their regulations. This regulation itself can be very strict and strict so that people can avoid transnational processes for just that reason.
Faced with the phenomenon of developing blockchain technology, the Skelpy platform is building a project to make the blockchain system fully decentralized and clear. Users can have an area containing digital currency, such as a wallet. In this case, the Skelpy platform provides association level installations in official digital identity portfolio types. Every group action made by the user will be seen by everyone, users registered on this platform. However, individual users will also be certified first so that their identity is clearly agreed. To access this transaction data, the user must first approve, which is issued by the visibility criteria used by the user. This criterion is used to select users in terms of transaction data visibility.
The Skelpy platform will be used by businesses and individual users with supported security. This user platform will not be afraid to transact because in addition, customers can receive or buy wallets that do not have the features offered by this platform. Platform users can also get other benefits, such as supporting supporters to use bank accounts and to be able to trade independently without having to connect with third parties in all markets. available, including Bitcoin (BTC). The process of moving SKP parts can be done without the need to be moved externally.
Each party that is part of the SkelpySystem platform must request applicable law and confirm its identity in accordance with the regulations of their home country and through KYC verification or Know Your Customers. In questionable matters, violated by law and actions passed by national and international regulations, Skelpy System is not responsible for actions taken on the platform. SkelpySystem will help resolve illegal actions by providing all documents required by the requesting organization.
Payments using cryptocurrency are all done digitally. There are no implications of fiduciary currencies that require the role of a third party, the bank, as an agreement. The various types of regulations applied to each bank usually make the process difficult. However, the cryptocurrency payment system allows buyers to make payments to related vendors. Digital cryptography plays the role of banks as guarantor of legitimate transactions.
For detailed information, please visit meet:
Website: https://www.skelpy.co
Twitter: https://twitter.com/skelpycoin
Telegram: https://t.me/SkelpyCoin
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