Kamis, 05 September 2019

CurioInvest — Bringing Collectables into the Digital World

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CurioInvest Today we will discuss the types of investments, related collectible cars. I’m sure you’ve heard of this kind in your life, but a lot of times, you know, collect old cars is a lucrative asset in this market. What can I say, the type of assets in 2018 showed 289 percent of this collection because it is the highest percentage of profit: 125% jewelry, all kinds of commemorative coins 182%, 147%, 73% wine and watch.

About The Project

In this regard, today I want to tell you that the project, will be a merger of their experience in this area, as well as the introduction of new technologies in this environment, in order to eliminate the problems mentioned above. This is called the idea of ​​cooperation – CurioInvest. If we describe a simple CurioInvest said the project, we can say with certainty, CurioInvest is a symbolic platform for collectors from all over the world can buy a rare car, and then receive their well-deserved dividends.
As I said, this project is the development team has many years of market collection vehicles and Mechatronics Co., Ltd. (engaged in providing high-quality professional organization) experience, and direct cooperation. In addition, CurioInvest team has trading experience collection vehicle means a high investment grade, there are several other high-quality partnerships, allowing CurioInvest all further principles of effective management.

Why CurioInvest?

CurioInvest in a good position for the following reasons:
  1. CurioInvest than starting from scratch. CurioInvest sister company Mercuria AG has a black body with a number of top automotive companies, including Pagani, Ferrari, and Mercedes – Benz enduring relationships. Therefore, CurioInvest access to more than 500 rare collections of the automobile assembly line, from the beginning to ensure exclusive investment opportunities.
  2. CurioInvest develops the tried and tested business model for managing the entire lifecycle of automotive investments. CurioInvest have a maintenance company, Baoxiangongsi and physical storage vendors with a tax-free car.
  3. CurioInvest legal entities established in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Switzerland offers a regulatory environment that is stable, law-friendly investors, allowing CurioInvest in base Liechtenstein entire European Economic Area, which includes all 28 EU member states and the European Free Trade Association said the three European Economic Area, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein are legally selling a security token. Switzerland has become a global center for innovation blockchain ensure CurioInvest directly to obtain the correct technical personnel, to expand their business.
  4. CurioInvest team and its partners include experts in car well-documented, IT, finance and investment industry.


CurioInvest investment purpose is to make everyone in the collection of investments and the income from the car. With a tokenized and investment-grade car, CurioInvest collection will open the car market to thousands of new investors.
The CurioInvest a good record in the team black Mercuria AG investment vehicle trading profits class, and cooperation with Mechatronics Co., Ltd., provides storage and maintenance required for membership of the vehicles. This partnership will enable cost-effective way CurioInvest to manage the entire life cycle of investment and utilize.
CurioInvest purpose is to become the world’s leading security tokens to collect purchases and trading platform.

Business Model

CurioInvest investment objectives are the use of modern technology, such as increased capital and asset tag brings many new small and a medium level of the investment market. Where every vehicle in five steps to achieve:
CurioInvest investment identification and price competition are likely to increase over time the value of a rare collection of classic cars, or modern. (Black Mercuria CurioInvest Investments AG, whose proven track record of a profitable trading super sports car is 4 years. CurioInvest founder and Advisory Committee have combined 50 years of experience in industrial spin-offs.)
For car finance, investment CurioInvest to start fundraising activities. Investors and car enthusiasts can now invest in the vehicle. These funds are deposited in a trust (contract Smart). If successful fundraising activities, the investment vehicle CurioInvest will get and maintain with its partners, mechatronics GmbH Fahrzeug- UND MOTORENTECHNIK storage. If the fundraising activity can not be completed within three months, investors will pay a processing fee refund everything except the third party.
After the purchase of the vehicle, CurioInvest investment issues on behalf of automotive security token value. Then, this token is assigned to investors in proportion to the scale of their investments. Increasing the value of a given security token holder if the right to share in the profits of the vehicle.
Token assigned to the user when signing the automatic generation of wallet on CurioInvest investment platform. tokens can be traded point.
tokens also have associated ISIN (International Securities Identification Number), so it could potentially be traded like the security of traditional digital exchanges.
If the processing conditions are met, the vehicle for resale. All stakeholders receive a portion of the sales proportion that holds the token itself costs minus (storage, maintenance, and insurance) and CurioInvest performance fee of 20% (to leave Ferrari F12tdf).

How Does It Work, To Invest In High-value Assets

There are several workways, I will explain as follows:

Step 1: Become a Certified User

  • E-mail your address list
  • Fill in the registration form
  • Verify your identity

Step 2: Investment

  • By adding a fundraiser to collect the car and other investments.
  • Please confirm your acceptance of investment certificates in the car.
  • Once enough money has been collected, antique cars.
  • Additionally, produces and distributes automotive replacement certificate token to investors.

Step 3: Monitoring and Diversification

  • Trade your token point.
  • Track vehicle performance.
  • Buying a new token to build your garage and diversify your investments.

Asset Tokenization

Referring to the asset tag method to produce digital assets, which are directly supported by physical assets such as a car. The main advantage of the asset is symbolized as follows:
  1. Liquidity/Divisibility:
  2. Enabling customers symbolic to invest in expensive assets such as supercar, without the need for direct purchase of the vehicle. Although this use of traditional financial mechanisms theoretically possible, investors usually pay up to 20-30% of the so-called “liquidity discount.” By using tokenization, you can avoid these costs.
  3. Diversity:
    Symbolized by the investor to make a multi-vehicle purchase token to spread the risk. This means that if the car is not doing well, the losses can be offset by other automotive profits.
    Reduce costs: fewer middlemen involved, the costs are much lower.
  4. Less Bureaucracy:
    Compared with traditional investments, there is less bureaucracy, because everything can be controlled and monitored online.
    Faster settlement: the automatic nature of high liquidity and trading systems mean that much faster.

Team and Partners

Core team

  1. Fernando Verboonen – Founder & CEO 
    Before CurioInvest Capital, Fernando served as the CEO at Mercuria Helvetica, a fintech investment firm specializing in exotic cars. Fernando’s extensive experience includes participating in the exit of Swiss portfolio firm CVC. He has also worked at Sunrise and an ETH spin-off, Kooba. Additionally, Fernando was involved in venture capital projects in software at Siemens VC. He started his career at Mercedes Benz.
  2. Fernando holds an MSc from ETH Zürich with training at Oxford and is an ESKAS Fellow.
  3. Valerie Halter – Co-Founder & CEO 
    International Business Developer with +8 years experience in the financial industry supporting Vontobel and Mercuria Helvetica, with a focus on highly exclusive cars.
  4. Valerie is a car enthusiast
    With gasoline in her veins. After working in the banking sector, she decided to pursue her passion for cars and shifted her focus to the fintech sector.
  5. Jan Van den Broeck MA – Legal & Compliance
    Jan provides CurioInvest with independent legal advice to ensure regulatory compliance and a smooth onboarding process for investors. He works as an external consultant at Google in San Francisco, specializing in automotive search features. Prior to moving to Silicon Valley, Jan gained experience as an in-house lawyer at an investment firm in Belgium. He holds a master’s degree in financial law.
  6. Vladimir Kislinkskii MSc – Chief Technology Officer
    Prior to joining CurioInvest, Vladimir led tech development for numerous DLT projects. He is an expert in Solidity and is currently focused on the DAICO concept for the CurioInvest environment.

Advisory Board

CurioInvest assembled an advisory board consisting of highly successful entrepreneurs and industry experts.
  1. Tom Frey
    Dr. Tom Frey has been working for Baumgartner Mächler since 2009 in the area of civil law and civil procedural law. His work has a main focus on litigation proceedings in the banking sector as well as in other corporate law matters and disputes. In addition, he advises and represents clients in contract, employment, and tenancy law matters as well as in the area of data protection and legal matters relating to the blockchain technology. Admitted to the Swiss Bar.
  2. Matthias Niedermüller PhD
    Securities Law DLT Advisor to Liechtenstein Crypto Exchange together with Jimmy Wales.
  3. Harald Steiger
    Board member and advisor of several Swiss startups. Car collector.
  4. Frank Rickert
    Mechatronik CEO, among Europe’s biggest private collection car garages.
  5. Antoine Verdon, MSc
    CEO Proxeus, Crypto investor, advisor, and entrepreneur.
  6. Boris Paskalev, MIT 
    CEO of Deep Code
    Project Manager & Strategist

CurioInvest’s Partners

  • Mechatronik Fahrzeug AG
    Mechatronik is experts when it comes to the maintenance, storage, and restoration of collectible vehicles.
  • Mercuria Helvetica
    Mercuria Helvetica advises clients on how to strategically invest in vehicles. The firm also provides a wide range of services in the premium vehicle sector.
    RABAG is a company specialized in the storage of collectible vehicles.


CurioInvest summary of the review, I just wanted to add a few important words. The project activities will be done to register. As the founder of this team has been through all the necessary legal procedures in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. In addition, the Liechtenstein legal framework allows CurioInvest throughout the EU, as well as in Norway and Iceland countries actually legally distribute it, such as tokens, through sales.
Therefore, on the basis of all the above, you have a great opportunity to get to know this project deeper, more thorough, go to the official source projects. After all, you will find all the necessary information about CurioInvest technical and development team official to talk telegram. Where any time, you can ask all your questions.

To know the latest information about the CurioInvest project you can visit the link below:


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