Uber's revolutionary similar platform for hiring professionals for consulting services using real-time video

As technology moves faster, adoption of smart phones is growing and the speed of the Internet continues to increase, consumers have been conditioned to want everything now. We can find information in seconds. We can send emails with a few taps. We can order items with several rolls and friction. We can order Uber by pressing a button.
What is BlooCYS?
BlooCYS is ultimately a Uber-like platform that helps consumers hire the right professionals for the consulting services they need. It can learn new languages. Make makeup or hair tutorials. Or fix bugs or problems related to IT. The possibilities are unlimited. All through video. And in real time.
Simply put, this is a win-win platform for everyone
This makes BlooCYS truly unique because it offers convenience, timely delivery, and high service standards that are expected by consumers today. In fact, consulting services in BlooCYS can be sent to them whether they are at home, office, cafe or in the park. At the same time, BlooCYS empowers professionals and experts in various fields who are looking for more flexible work arrangements or additional income.
Our solution
BlooCYS is a revolutionary Uber-like platform for employing professionals for consulting services using real-time video.
Customers can find experts at their fingertips, while experts can use their skills to earn extra income through freelance opportunities.
Built from a new decentralization and tokenization model, BlooCYS real-time video capabilities, user verification and review, service directories that can be searched by experts, blockchain technology for transparency and smart contracts with tokens, give this platform the potential to revolutionize and optimize the way people access , and offer, expert services.

Platform BlooCYS
Provides excellent user experience through our core features
Real Time Communication
Video real-time
Direct chat
Video recording
Video analysis
block Chain
ID verification and skill validation
Ratings and reviews
BlooCYS wallet
Smart contract
Crypto payment
Layanan Front-end
Service directory
Crowd recommendation
Talent promotion
Partner and API integration
Dispute resolution

Seorang guru di Australia yang ingin meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa Indonesia-nya


Ekosistem yang aman dan transparan yang akan menguntungkan semua orang
Para ahli dapat menjadi bos mereka sendiri dan memiliki fleksibilitas untuk bekerja dari mana saja, kapan saja
Para ahli dapat memaksimalkan potensi ekonomi dari keterampilan mereka
Tidak ada hambatan geografis
Ketenangan pikiran bagi pelanggan yang mencari layanan dari para ahli sejati
Pelanggan dapat langsung menemukan layanan yang mereka butuhkan, kapan saja, di mana saja
Hemat biaya karena menghilangkan perantara dan biaya transaksi yang tinggi
Kontrak pintar memungkinkan transaksi tanpa batas dan menghapus potensi sengketa
Transparansi, keamanan, dan privasi melalui teknologi blockchain yang mendasarinya
2018 Agustus
Inisiasi proyek dan penjualan Token
Buku Putih, Situs Web, Kemitraan ekosistem awal, Penjualan Token Pribadi, Penjualan Token Publik
2019 April
Peluncuran beta
Peluncuran Beta, kemitraan ekosistem awal
2019 Juli
Peluncuran BlooCYS di Indonesia
Peluncuran publik di Indonesia, 3 Saluran yaitu "Pendidikan, Kecantikan, Pariwisata", mitra ekosistem onboarding
2020 Januari
Ekspansi bisnis ke pasar utama Asia
Ekspansi ke negara-negara Asia seperti Singapura, Malaysia, Filipina, Thailand, Jepang & Korea, saluran baru, perluasan mitra Ekosistem
2020 April
Peningkatan fitur
Fitur baru untuk pengguna korporat, Peluncuran / peluncuran saluran baru, perluasan mitra Ekosistem
2020 Juli
Ekspansi bisnis ke seluruh Asia
Ekspansi ke negara-negara Asia lainnya seperti Hong Kong dan Cina, Peluncuran saluran baru, perluasan mitra Ekosistem
2021 Januari
Ekspansi global
Ekspansi global ke pasar lain seperti Eropa dan Amerika Selatan, Peluncuran terus saluran baru, perluasan mitra Ekosistem
Simbol Token: CYS
Latar belakang Token: CYS dibuat sebagai token ERC20 pada blockchain Ethereum
Jumlah Token: CYS
Harga jual Token pertama: 1 CYS = US $ 0,10 (atau jumlah yang sesuai di ETH sebagaimana ditentukan oleh dewan berdasarkan nilai tukar yang berlaku)
Soft cap: US $ 5 juta
Hard cap: US $ 40 juta
Mata uang yang diterima: ETH
40% penjualan Token & bonus
10% Reward & bounty
5% Penasihat & pendukung awal
15% Pendiri dan tim
30% cadangan Perusahaan
Semua dana yang diperoleh dari CYS Token Sale hanya akan digunakan untuk pengembangan, promosi dan pertumbuhan Platform BlooCYS.
Model distribusi untuk dana penjualan token adalah sebagai berikut:
40% Pemasaran dan pertumbuhan
15% Biaya operasi
5% Pemerintahan dan legal
10% gaji staf
30% Pengembangan produk
Tim kita
Tim yang beragam dan bersemangat dengan rekam jejak yang sukses
Martono Setiawan: Co-founder & CEO
Gunawan Tandun: Chief Partnership Officer
Suisen Kicosuanto: Co-founder & CTO.
Hanny Santoso: Kepala Arsitek Perangkat Lunak.
Josafat Wiranto: Chief Marketing Officer
Gunawan Tandun: Chief Partnership Officer
Agnes Hutagalung: Kepala Komunikasi
Kiki: Pengembang tumpukan penuh
Pensen: UI / UX Designer
Theodorus Widyarianto: Pengembang Blockchain
Lastwanto: Spesialis Sistem
Dewan Penasihat kami
Our advisors are industry leaders and experts in video, blockchain, crypto tokens, entrepreneurship technology, and financial markets
Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo, MM
Strategic Advisor
Tor Halvorsen
Technology Advisor
Kevin Pang
Blockchain advisor
Robert Jung Soo Ryu
Blockchain Business Advisor
Shawn Tham
Marketing Advisor
Karen New
Blockchain advisor
BlooCYS aims to create an open platform for all users along with ecosystem partners to provide and use services smoothly. At present, we have obtained partnerships with several institutions that have committed to using the BlooCYS service. This will accelerate the growth of users on the platform.

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